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  4. What is stage 1 of your complaint process?

What is stage 1 of your complaint process?

Bron Afon is committed to great customer service. We think it’s best to deal with complaints straight away when we possibly can.  If you have a concern, we ask that you tell the person that you’re dealing with. They will try to resolve it for you there and then, and will be able to provide information on advice and support if you need it.  If your concern needs technical knowledge, you may be referred to our central complaints team, team leader or a manager.

All Investigating officers will follow our six-step complaints guidance:

  1. We will thank you for your feedback, apologise for your dissatisfaction and reassure you that we will take ownership of your complaint.
  2. We will ask you what outcome you are looking for from your complaint and let you know what to expect from us as we deal with it.
  3. We will investigate your complaint in full.  This may involve meeting with you to discuss your complaint in detail.
  4. We will aim to find out all the facts first, and make a decision based on our findings.
  5. We will take action.  If we find that we got it wrong, we will apologise and tell you why it happened. If we find there is a fault in our systems or the way we do things, we will tell you how we plan to change things to stop it happening again.  We will contact you to explain our findings and the outcome of your complaint.
  6. We will share learnings with our colleagues. We do this to help us understand what went wrong to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Our Investigating Officers will contact you within three working days of receiving your complaint.  They have ten working days to carry out their investigation and contact you with an outcome.  If we cannot agree an outcome with you in this time, your complaint will automatically be escalated to the next stage of our process.

If your complaint involves a potential insurance claim, court process, disciplinary investigation, health and safety investigation or any circumstances that could include external involvement, our Chief Executive may decide to take a break in the complaints process.  This could mean a delay in the time scales.  Our Chief Executive will let you know if this is the case and explain the reasons for this.

You can stop your complaint at any time, however, we may continue to investigate if we feel we need to.

We will keep a record of all our contact with you and the actions that we agree to take.

At the end of an investigation we will contact you by email or by letter. We will explain how and why we came to our conclusions.

We will make it clear that you can escalate your complaint to the second stage, however, we may ask you to provide us with more information to let us know:

  • What outcome you want, and how it is different from our original investigation.
  • What happened during our stage 1 investigation which led you to escalate your complaint to stage 2.

If you want to appeal our decision and escalate your complaint to Stage 2, you must tell us within 14 days of getting our response to your stage 1 investigation.  If you tell  us after the 14 days, you may have to restart the complaints process.


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