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  4. How do I know if my solar panels are working?
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  4. How do I know if my solar panels are working?

How do I know if my solar panels are working?

If you have a ‘smart meter’ installed for your electricity supply (this is a meter provided and installed by the energy company), you should have an in home display device which can show that Solar Panels (PVs) are working (showing no energy is drawing from the energy supply).

You can check the ‘invertor’- a green light on the invertor means the solar panels are working and generating electricity. However, your invertor may be located in the attic where access is not possible/easy. You can contact us with your address and we can check to confirm your PVs are working.

To maximise use of electricity generated by your PVs, you should aim to use your electrical appliances during the day when the power is generated.  If you have a ‘pay as you go’ meter, your balance will not decrease while the panels are generating.

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