Our office is closed to visitors unless you have an agreed appointment with a named member of staff.

It’s Noise Action Week…. and this is The Noise App

We take reports of nuisance and anti-social behaviour very seriously as we believe that everyone is entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their home. You can talk to our team of Community Housing Officers if you are experiencing any problems. They will listen to your concerns and agree a plan to deal with them. We work closely with partners such as Gwent Police and Torfaen Community Safety to tackle reports of anti-social behaviour within our communities and we are all committed to working together to find solutions.

If you are experiencing noise nuisance, did you know that you can download ‘The Noise App’ from Google Play, Apple Store or by clicking here:  https://www.thenoiseapp.com/#/? This app uses your smartphone to make recordings of noise nuisance which can be sent directly to Bron Afon. We will be able to investigate these recordings and we’ll keep you updated during process of your complaint.

You can report other forms of anti-social behaviour My Bron Afon – BronAfon or Anti-social Behaviour – BronAfon



If you have feedback, now is the time to use Your Voice. Your feedback is important to us. We use it to improve our services and the ways we work with you.
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