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XL Bully Ban. What’s changing?

On Tuesday 31 October 2023, the UK Government banned the XL Bully breed following a series of serious and, in some cases, fatal attacks.

From 31 December 2023 this breed of dogs will be banned

If you own an XL Bully Dog, or know someone who owns one, it’s important to stay up-to-date with legal changes.

What does this mean?

From December 31st 2023, it will be illegal to:

  • Sell an XL Bully
  • Abandon or give away an XL Bully.
  • Breed from an XL Bully Dog.
  • Have an XL Bully dog in public without being on a lead and wearing a muzzle.
  • Own an XL Bully dog that has not been microchipped (this is already a legal requirement for all dogs)

From 1 February 2024, it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully Dog in England and Wales unless you have a Certificate of Exemption.

You can find out how to apply for a Certificate of Exemption via the government’s website.

Prepare for the ban on XL Bully dogs – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

As well as getting the Certificate of Exemption, all owners must ensure their XL Bully dog is:

  • Microchipped
  • Kept on a lead and always muzzled when in public
  • Kept in a secure place so that it may not escape
  • Be neutered

As the owner you must:

  • Be over 16 years old
  • Take out third party public liability insurance against your dog injuring other people
  • Be able to show the certificate of exemption when asked to by a police officer or a council dog warden, either at the time or within five days.

If you are found in possession of an XL Bully dog without a Certification of Exemption, the law may subject you to a criminal record and an unlimited fine, and authorities could also seize your dog.

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