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  4. How do I report noise or animal nuisance?
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  3. Anti-social Behaviour
  4. How do I report noise or animal nuisance?

How do I report noise or animal nuisance?

If you report nuisance, annoyance or disturbance due to noise or animals, we will give you help and advice. We will investigate your complaints and decide what action to take.

Our contract holders are responsible for the behaviour of anyone (including children) and for pets living in or visiting their home.

We will take action if there is any nuisance, annoyance or disturbance for which our contract holder is responsible.

Examples of nuisance, annoyance or disturbance include:

• loud music

• offensive drunkenness

• dog barking and fouling or other animals causing a nuisance

abusive language

• door slamming

You can report Anti-social behaviour here


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