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The Welsh Government are looking to consult with our residents!

The Welsh Government is looking to consult with a broad range of residents, both tenants and leaseholders!

The Welsh Government is looking to consult with a broad range of residents (both tenants and leaseholders) to support policy development on proposals for Safer Buildings in Wales Safer Buildings in Wales: A consultation (gov.wales)

The proposals seek to legislate to empower residents by strengthening their voice on building safety matters, provide an opportunity to engage with their landlord and make sure their concerns and complaints are listened to.

Therefore, it’s important the Welsh Government consults with a broad range of tenants and leaseholders, so they can have their say on the proposals and share their lived experiences.  This will help shape the Welsh Government’s understanding on building safety in Wales.

They welcome interest from all residents who would like to contribute and are asking them to get in touch to take part in their focus groups.

They want to hear from as many tenants/residents as possible but are particularly keen to make sure the voices and insights of disabled tenants/leaseholders and tenants/leaseholders from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities are also heard.

As well as having an opportunity to contribute to the development of future building safety reforms, residents who take part in the focus groups will be compensated for their time.

If you are a tenant or a leaseholder and you are interested in taking part in the resident consultations and would like to know more, please contact Mike Corrigan on Michael.corrigan@gov.wales

If you have feedback, now is the time to use Your Voice. Your feedback is important to us. We use it to improve our services and the ways we work with you.
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