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  4. I’ve had a referral for adaptations – what will happen next?

I’ve had a referral for adaptations – what will happen next?

Once we have received your referral from Torfaen Council, we will contact you to arrange the best time to assess you and your home in line with our waiting list times. With your agreement, we may recommend the following:

  • Equipment (for example, to help with getting in and out of the bath, on and off a chair, in and out of bed etc.).
  • Minor adaptations (such as handrails, grab rails, shower seat, etc.).
  • Major Adaptations (such as ramps, stair lift, level access shower etc.).
  • Advice and support to move to a home that better suits your needs.
  • Referral to other services.

All equipment is requested from Torfaen Council and is given as a long-term loan. Please let us know when equipment is no longer needed so it can be recycled. Adaptations cannot be given for the storage and upkeep of privately purchased wheelchairs, scooters or walking aids. We can only offer these adaptations for equipment provided by the National Health Service.

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