Our office is closed to visitors unless you have an agreed appointment with a named member of staff.

Housing Ukrainian Refugees

Are you considering hosting a Ukrainian person or family in your home?

If you are thinking about hosting a Ukrainian person or family in your home, please let us know first.

You can speak with your housing officer, contact us at  or call us on 01633 620111 to let us know.
We need to know if you are taking part so we can offer the right support to you and make sure we keep our housing records up to date.
We can support you and put you in touch with the right teams to help and give you information.

Things you need to know before you choose to become a host.
Please think about the size of your home. Do you have enough space to offer someone a room? We have clear guidelines on how many people can live in our homes as set out in the housing law. You can find this information in your tenancy agreement.
  • If you are accepted as a host the UK Government will make monthly support payments to you. If you have people move in with you, even for a short time, it could affect any benefits or financial help you get. This could include Universal Credit and Housing benefits. You can find more information relating to hosting and income on the Government’s website.
  • You cannot charge rent or request any payment from the person or family you host.
  • Before you agree to become a host, you may have things in place in your home which you need to think about. This could be related to the type of home you live in, or care and support services you might receive.
  • The Welsh Government has a package of support for refugees. This includes free transport on all Transport for Wales services for six months. Find out more at www.gov.wales
Useful Links to more information about offering accommodation during the Ukraine crisis.


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